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Offro ricambi Xl 500S pd01

Inviato: sab feb 18, 2017 10:18 am
da robby
Salve a tutti,
avendo venduto la mia XL 500 s pd01 vendo alcuni ricambi rimasti,
comunque sono rimasto Hondista ora ho una CB 400 four del 76 :D

terminale Marving nuovo mai usato ( in scatola )
terminale originale ( tedesco ) da rivedere
cilindro e pistone misura originale in buono stato
testata con sedi valvole e valvole rettificate
carter lato frizione, bobine generatore,pikup,modulo CDI
portapacchi con borsetta dell'epoca
calotta faro posteriore Stanley
chi fosse interessato può mandare Email in privato

Re: Offro ricambi Xl 500S pd01

Inviato: gio apr 12, 2018 9:36 am
da lindseynicole010
Purchasing the greatest, most exceptional home open air security framework around wouldn't make you more secure. We've set up, with the assistance of law authorization, that we will probably discourage the awful folks from considering your home a simple target. The way you utilize your cash ought to reflect what you require, not what is available to be purchased. Setup your outside surveillance camera framework so it can be seen and recognized by the terrible folks. You need them to know you have it. The objective is to make your home to a lesser degree an objective. When you look at the expenses of a security checking organization to your outside surveillance camera framework, the camera will win in the more extended run. The checking framework is more helpful and completes a fantastically incredible activity with flame security. The open air surveillance camera framework will frighten the awful folks off.
Thanks& regards,
Lindsey Nicole
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